Chicago Car Accident Attorney
There were nearly 6.4 million auto accidents in the United States in 2015. The financial cost of these accidents is a staggering 230 billion dollars. 249 million people were injured in car accidents in 2015 and approximately 43,000 people were killed in 2015. This amounts to 115 people a day or one every 13 seconds. Teenagers comprise the largest percentage of drivers involved in car accidents in the state of Illinois.
The financial and emotional toll an auto accident can take on a person's life can be devastating. For this reason, it is important you retain competent, aggressive and knowledgeable representation following a car accident. At Leonard Law Group, our team of car accident attorneys in Chicago share decades of legal experience, and can capably handle a wide variety of car accident cases. Since 1996, we’ve collected more than $1,000,000,000 on behalf of our clients and have established a track record of success.
Contact Leonard Law Group for a case review with our Chicago car accident lawyer today! Spanish-speaking services are available.
Top Reasons for Car Accidents in Illinois
Determining the cause of an accident is key in proving liability and recovering maximum compensation. Regardless of the cause, you should not be left holding the bills if your injuries were caused by another person's negligence or recklessness.
Common causes of auto accidents include:
- Distracted Driving
- Speeding
- Reckless Driving
- Teenage Drivers
- Traffic Violations
- Drunk Driving
- Bad Weather
- Poor Road Conditions
At Leonard Law Group, our legal team has been serving the people of Illinois since 1996 and has extensive experience handling all types of car accident injury claims. If you've been seriously injured in a collision and are looking to be compensated for your damages, please do not hesitate to contact us today.
5 Common Types of Auto Accidents in Chicago
Different types of accidents result in different injuries and property damage. Because Chicago is a busy city, drivers face the risk of a car accident every time they're on the road. In 2017, the Illinois Department of Transportation reported that there were 96,302 vehicle accidents in the city of Chicago.
According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, common types of car accidents that occur in Chicago include:
- Sideswipe Accidents: In 2017, there were 16,006 sideswipe collisions in Chicago that resulted in 1,260 injuries and 6 fatalities
- Head-On Collisions: In 2017, there were 760 head-on collision accidents in the city of Chicago that resulted in 210 injuries and 3 fatalities
- Rear-End Collisions: In 2017, there were 27,083 Chicago rear-end accidents that resulted in 4,378 injuries and 8 fatalities
- Turning Accidents: In 2017, there were 13,153 turning vehicle accidents in Chicago that resulted in 2,449 injuries and 13 fatalities
- Parked Vehicle Collisions: In 2017, there were 19,394 accidents in Chicago involving parked vehicles that resulted in 18,578 injuries and 7 fatalities
Driving is a risky activity and driving in a busy city is even more dangerous. At Leonard Law Group, our car accident attorneys in Chicago have decades of experience and have represented all types of vehicle accident claims. Arrange a free, initial case evaluation with our firm today to learn your legal options.
What Injuries Can You Get from a Car Accident?
If you’re in a car accident, even a “small” one, you could get injured. You can either experience an impact injury, your body hits a part of the car, or penetrating injuries, like cuts or scrapes. Some common types of car accident injuries include:
- Bruises
- Head injuries
- Scrapes and cuts
- Internal bleeding
- Broken or fractured bones
- Back injuries
- Whiplash
Required Documents After an Auto Accident
Besides having an Illinois driver’s license and registration, all drivers at the site of an accident must present proof of active insurance.
Failure to present these three requirements may result in the following:
- Issuance of tickets
- Court fees
- Attorney fees after a hearing
Driving is risky and all drivers must be able to meet the financial responsibilities that Illinois mandates.
Insurance After a Car Accident
The defendant’s insurance company will contact you for a recorded statement and attempt to use that statement against you to mitigate their exposure in paying out your claim. They will also ask for a signed authorization allowing them to view your medical records. It is important you know and understand your rights early on following an accident as this time is extremely crucial in determining the path your claim takes.
Take a look at several situations involving insurance:
- The Other Person Is Not Insured or Is Minimally Insured:
Unfortunately, some people drive in Illinois without insurance or do not have adequate coverage to fully compensate you for your injuries. In situations like these, maximum recovery will depend on the extent of coverage you have as of the date of the accident. - The Other Person Is Not Insured & You Do Not Carry Uninsured Coverage:
If the defendant does not carry insurance and you do not carry uninsured coverage, you may find yourself with overwhelming medical bills, severe injuries and no insurance coverage to recover from. If the policy limits of the defendant's insurance do not fully compensate you for your injuries and you do not carry underinsured coverage, you may again find yourself with a heap of problems.
Get the answers you need and the representation you deserve by speaking with an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer at (312) 487-2513! Contact us today for a free consultation.
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Attorney Joseph Leonard and his team were a pleasure to work with.
“Attorney Joseph Leonard and his team were a pleasure to work with. They were highly professional and excellent communicators. They were also extremely knowledgeable about my case. I wouldn't hesitate to refer him to others.”