How Long Does Whiplash Last?

Not only are they emotionally traumatizing, but car accidents can leave drivers and passengers physically injured. Even the smallest collisions which don’t necessitate hospitalization or medical treatment tend to result in unfortunate consequences. One of the most common injuries following a car accident is whiplash, which occurs when one’s head is jolted back and forward in a rough motion. These severe sideways movements may cause whiplash which can happen in any type of car accident, though they are most common in rear-end accidents.

What Can Whiplash Do?

Whiplash, though seemingly minimal, can be an incredibly debilitating injury. It damages delicate tendons and ligaments in the neck and can result in a number of painful aftereffects. Not only do victims suffer from headaches, and pain in their neck, shoulder, and back, whiplash can also adversely affect your ability to swallow, chew, or sleep.

How Long Can Whiplash Last?

Whiplash can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Severe cases last several months, while various rare cases can result in a lifetime of pain. As you can imagine, treatment can get quite expensive, as it will take several attempts before one can truly start to feel relief. Typical whiplash treatment may involve physical therapy, chiropractic care, medication, the use of a brace, and trigger point injections.

Contact Our Chicago Car Accident Lawyers Today

At Leonard Law Group, our car accident attorneys apply the time, resources, and energy to deliver you the most beneficial results possible. If you have been injured due to another’s negligent or hazardous actions, resulting in painful whiplash, there is no time to waste in enlisting in the legal advocacy you truly deserve. We want to fight for you--allow us to be your allies until this process is resolved.

Schedule a free, initial consultation with a member of our firm by calling (312) 487-2513.

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