Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Benefits

Chicago Temporary Total Disability (TTD) Benefits Explained

Trusted Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Section 8(b) of the Illinois Workers' Compensation act governs the payment of temporary total disability benefits. Known as TTD, this benefit is designed to temporarily compensate the injured worker during the duration of his or her disability.

At Leonard Law Group, we can help make sure that you receive what you are owed. With skilled Chicago Workers' Compensation attorneys on our team, we are more than capable of handling even the most complex cases. Since 1996, our firm has recovered more than $1,000,000,000 for our clients.

Contact Leonard Law Group for more information about your legal options. We provide Spanish-speaking services for client convenience.

Understanding TTD Workers' Compensation Benefits

TTD benefits are paid at 66 2/3 percent of the injured workers average weekly wage for the preceding fifty-two weeks leading up to the injury excluding bonus or overtime. Overtime is included in the average weekly wage if overtime was part of the injured workers' regular hours of employment or if the injured worker worked a set number of overtime hours each week for the preceding fifty-two weeks.

See our overtime page for a further discussion on the issue of overtime as it pertains to the injured worker’s average weekly wage.

Key TTD Workers' Compensation Benefits Include:

  • TTD benefits are payable if the injured worker is authorized off work or is placed on modified work duties and the employer cannot accommodate the restrictions.
  • TTD begins if the injured worker is off work two straight weeks and is payable starting with the first full day the injured worker is authorized off work.
  • TTD can be paid in weekly or biweekly intervals depending on how the injured worker was paid from the employer.

If the injured worker is off work for less than two straight weeks, TTD is payable from day four to the day preceding the injured workers return to work. Under this situation the insurance company or employer is given a three day grace period and does not owe TTD for days one through three.

Are You Being Underpaid? Reach Out to a Chicago Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today.

Leonard Law Group calculates our clients’ average weekly wage to make sure the injured worker is paid at the proper rate. If you believe you are being underpaid please contact Leonard Law Group for an immediate consultation.

We offer free second opinion reviews! Call us at (312) 487-2513 to learn more about your case.

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  • Attorney Joseph Leonard and his team were a pleasure to work with.

    “Attorney Joseph Leonard and his team were a pleasure to work with. They were highly professional and excellent communicators. They were also extremely knowledgeable about my case. I wouldn't hesitate to refer him to others.”